Taiz Jiménez – Photo by Paulina Villacreces
Kinde-Pro is a gait trainer designed and fabricated for children with cerebral palsy. This gait trainer helps children regain their independence while walking, strengthening muscles and joints, improving balance and posture, developing muscle memory, incresing muscle resistance as well as training the legs to perform repetitive movements. Kinde-Pro offers exceptional support and control for children to learn forward movement, thereby developing their skills, abilities and muscle control at every step.
Our gait trainer design is height adjustable and can be adapted to accommodate the needs of each child, allowing for additional supports to be added if needed. The image below shows the additional supports that can be added to the gait trainer:

Stability & Test Results according to ISO Standards
Fabrication Drawings
The links below contain the fabrication drawings of Kinde-Pro according to size:
Additional Supports Fabrication Steps
The links below contain the fabrication steps of the additional supports that can be added to the gait trainer: This project was over two years in development and was assisted by Rotary International and by Rotary District 7670 of North Carolina.Together we can help children with cerebral palsy give their first steps!