The Jen Lee Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Ecuador as of August 2017. This Ecuadorian non-profit allows the principals and supporters of our rehab efforts to control of the future of these projects, gives access to funding opportunities, and provides a legal structure for activities.
The Jen Lee Foundation is named in honor of our beloved collaborator and friend who passed away in January 2012. The foundation’s mission is to bring scarce rehab services and training to Ecuador. It is focused on accomplishing this goal through support of local providers, delivering components and training that are not currently available in Ecuador, and in building sustainable models for provision of services.
Jen Lee Knowles
Fundación Jen Lee is a separate entity from Prótesis Imbabura but they are mutually supportive. You can communicate with the Jen Lee Foundation through the contact page on this website: https://protesisimbabura.com/contact-us/
Excerpt from the bylaws of Fundación Jen Lee:
Art. 7. The main purpose of the organization is to: Improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and provide physical rehabilitation through the delivery of technical aids and rehabilitation services at low cost, including the donation of prosthetic components.
Art. 8.- The objectives are:
- Deliver technical aids and scarce devices such as prosthetic components at a low price or free when needed;
- Train rehabilitation providers in Ecuador to provide services to those who need them;
- Promote the networking of rehabilitation providers in Ecuador with those from other countries;
- Work with low-cost developers of rehabilitation devices;
- Support with infrastructure, supplies and funding those individuals or entities that design, develop and/or assemble scarce rehabilitation devices in Ecuador with the purpose of reducing their cost and allowing access to all people who need them;
- Establish international connections between device providers and rehabilitation providers in Ecuador for the exchange of learning, information and technical knowledge;
Art. 9.- For the fulfillment of its aims and objectives, the Foundation will obtain the permits of the relevant organizations and will use all the means allowed by the law.
For this purpose it will carry out the following activities:
Jen Lee Foundation board member Javier Gomez
- Solicit donation of components of prostheses, orthoses and other rehabilitation devices from throughout the world, to be delivered free to those who need them and to be used with the guidance of trained rehabilitation service providers;
- Request the support of volunteer professionals to train and share experiences with rehabilitation service providers in Ecuador;
- Promote exchanges in the field of rehabilitation among universities, individuals, non-governmental organizations and funders from Ecuador with those from abroad;
- Request funds in-country and abroad to improve the infrastructure of businesses or non-governmental organizations that provide rehabilitation services in Ecuador, to give partial or total support of such services.