Bob and Kit have founded an NGO legalized in the United States, called Independence Road.Independence Road has the goal ofimproving access to needed rehab services in developing countries.This is the work we have been doing over the past twelve years and now it’s official – we can receive and disburse grants and fundsdirectly and provide official transparency. Having our own non-profit corporation allows us more possibilities of working with international organizations that require the 501c3 designation.
Hundreds of people are traveling the road to independence thanks to the work of our team at Prótesis Imbabura and Fundación Jen Lee and our supporters from around the world. Here are photos from Ibarra Ecuador from over the years.
Thank you Focus International, which has provided invaluable assistance up to this point by passing through funds over many years.
We are having a grand event November 29 to celebrate the arrival of 15 basketball wheelchairs for our Ibarrateam, Ruedas sin Fronteras (Wheels without Boundaries).In attendance will be a major donor, Madeline Delp, Miss Wheelchair USA 2018 and president of the Live Boundless Foundation.
Independence Road can receive tax-deductible donations
directly.Here is how: and Kit Frank
Independence Road
Fundacíon Jen Lee
Prótesis Imbabura
The country of Ecuador has gone through a brief upheaval involving strikes and closures of roads and businesses, focused on the anger of people at the bottom of theeconomic totem pole, and similar to that seen in many corners of the globe today.Some political changes were made, everything is open again, and we are going down to Ecuador at the end of November.