We need to raise $10,000 for our prosthetic clinic in Ecuador by January 1, 2012.
Our clinic has proved its worth. Since founding it four years ago, we have put well over 500 patients on their feet.
Adults are walking, caring for their families, going to work. Children are running, playing, going to school.
We need this $10,000 now to transition us from a volunteer organization to professional status.
This is a huge step because it means subsequent funding will be available from the local government as well as foundation sources. This will assure that our clinic will be self-sustaining into the future.
We founders will continue to go to Ibarra for several months a year on our present volunteer basis.
Your money goes a long way in Ecuador. $10,000 is the cost of a single below-knee prosthesis in the US. At our clinic we can provide 30 below-knee prostheses for $10,000.
You can help: DONATE through Paypal (at left)
Or Donate by writing a check to Focus International
c/o Robert Frank
266 Independence Blvd.
Asheville, NC 28805.
Focus International is a 501 (c) 3 for purposes of tax deduction.
Whatever level of donation you can make will help.